The bells are made from cast iron and shakers from straw, reed or gourds,
with small stones or seeds. They are made in a village in southern Ghana,
near Accra.
The bells and shakers originate from different tribes but are now used throughout
Single bells Double bells
Pod bell Slit bells
Sizes, prices and ordering
Single and double bells
Pod bell
The pod bell originates in the coastal region and is known as 'Dodompo' in
Ga. It is often used by the blind in the street who will sing against its
simple rhythm.
Slit bell
The slit bell originates in the Ashanti region and is known as 'Adawara'
in Twi. It is known for its use in the dance Adowa, where the talking drum
calls for it to play.
The chekere, called 'Axatse' in Ewe, is a calabash/gourd covered in netting
with seeds attached to rattle against the hard side of the gourd. The chekere
often plays variations on the rhythm played by the bell.
Sizes, prices and ordering
The caxixi, called 'Trowa' in Twi, is made in both straw and reed. It comes
in three different shapes; single bell, double bell and bone. It is filled
with small stones and bottle tops, with calabash placed at the end to sharpen
its tone.
Sizes, prices and ordering
Gourd Shakers
Other hand percussion
Sizes, prices and ordering