Solar system experiments  other topics
for use with materialworlds Solar system simulations  
© 2002

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1. Planet orbits
Simulations used:
Entire solar system: orbits and Earth view

Force and velocity

What general observations can you make about the speed, shape, direction and orientation of the planets' orbits?
How are these reflected in theories of the development of the Solar system?
What other objects in the Solar system - and do they add up to significant quantities of mass?

2a Earth's tilt and the seasons
Simulation used:
Four seasons - solstices and equinoxes; single view

How does the tilt of the Earth's axis affect day length for different regions at different times of the year?

2b Earth's tilt experiment
Simulation used:
Four seasons - solstices and equinoxes; what if

What happens if you change the Earth's tilt?

2c Seasons and day length lab
by Andrew Marcus, Department of Earth Sciences Montana State University
Simulation used:
Four seasons - solstices and equinoxes; single view
Four seasons - solstices and equinoxes; what if...

3. Gravitational forces
Simulation used:
Force and velocity

What are the main forces on the Sun and the Earth?

4. What happens if you switch off gravity?
Simulation used:
Force and velocity - what if?

Experiment with the ability to switch gravity on and off.

5.Comet orbits
Simulation used:

Study the orbit of a short period comet.
How do comet orbits differ from planetary orbits?
What can sometimes happen to comets?