materialworlds download and installation

To run materialworlds on your own computer:
download materialworlds for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
(mwinst15.exe; 3.81 MBytes - version info)
when prompted, choose Save to Disk and specify the directory where you want the materialworlds installation program (mwinst15.exe) to be saved.
If you've already installed materialworlds and you're upgrading to the latest version - then you must make sure that no components of your existing version of materialworlds are running when you install the new one.
To do this, first quit Internet Explorer, then press Alt-Control Delete and check that "matwrld" or "MatWrld.exe" isn't among the processes running. If it is, select it, and click "end task" or "end process".
to install materialworlds just run mwinst15.exe - by exploring your hard drive and double-clicking mwinst15.exe, or by choosing the Run option in the Start menu (mwinst15.exe will be where your web browser saved it).

On WindowsXP materialworlds needs to be installed and registered from an administrator account. Most home users will be using this account by default.

What gets installed on your computer:
materialworlds simulation environment and materialworlds editor
webpage simulations to explore off-line
full-screen simulations
The complete installation will take up about 10 MBytes of space on your hard disk.

You'll have full use of the simulations for the first 24 hours after you first try them out.
After this time, you'll still be able to view the simulations (and use zoom and tilt controls, or select alternative views) but each simulation will rewind back to it's initial state after a couple of seconds running.
To run materialworlds simulations without time limits you'll need to become a registered user.


If you'd like us to remind you when we release a new version of materialworlds - send us your email address:

Thanks to these and other shareware sites for featuring materialworlds: